Reduce Water Tankers

A factory saved two tankers per day with WaterApp


Auto Precision's Water Map

1 Overhead Tank
1 Under Ground Tank
1 Dug Well
bore well
1 Bore Well

WaterApp Configuration

2 Visibility Sensors
well sensor
2 Well Sensors
Mobile App
1 Gateway

WaterApp Benefits

Saved 2 Tankers Per Day
Increased Bore Well Yield
Fire Tank is always Full

Issues Faced

  • In summers, there is a water crisis. Availability of dug well and bore well is unclear.
  • They order about 6 tankers daily and pay a higher rate for tankers due to last minute ordering.
  • There is a risk of damaging the pump (dry run).
  • The owner wants to be able to monitor the fire tank at all times.
  • Cooling tower needs manual supervision. No visibility into evaporation losses and efficiency.

“Thanks to WaterApp I could increase my borewell yield and reduce my tanker requirements.”

Anil Pednekar, Director, Auto Precision Indiustries, Mumbai.

How did WaterApp Help?

  • Cost Saving: Two tankers saved on a per day basis and tankers are ordered in advance.
  • Increased bore well yield: Visibility inside well and borewell enables them to pump more often and reduce tanker requirement.
  • Production Planning: Water availability of both wells is known.
  • No risk of pump damage. Pumping rate is known.
  • Owner can view the fire tank and receive alerts, 24×7.
  • Manpower saving as manual monitoring is eliminated.
  • Can track evaporation losses and leakages for cooling tower.

Coming Soon

Water Quality Sensor
Cooling Tower Sensor
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