Measure Tanker Volume

A Borewell Owner can measure the water drawn by tankers from his well with WaterApp


Chakore Borewell Water Map

bore well
1 Borewell
1 Pump
Manual Operation
Day and Night Operation

WaterApp Configuration

well sensor
1 Borewell Sensor
flow meter
IoT Flow Meter
IoT Energy Meter
1 Gateway
Mobile App

WaterApp Benefits

Accurate Tanker Measurement
Tanker Count and Stats
Pump Consumption
Owner can Track from Anywhere
WhatsApp Image
WhatsApp Image

Issues Faced

  • Risk of water theft when owner is not around.
  • No way to know water availability of bore well.
  • Recoup rate is unknown.
  • No visibility into how much water is being pumped, how much to charge and how much is available.
  • Unable to plan operations around water extraction.
  • Risk of damaging the pump (dry run).
  • High pumping costs.
  • No way to monitor bore well operations remotely.

“WaterApp has simplified my life immensely. I can monitor my borewell remotely and get an exact count of tankers filled and water drawn at the end of everyday”

Appa Chakore, Borewell Owner, Pune

How did WaterApp Help?

  • Owner can keep an eye on borewell operation from anywhere. No risk of water theft.
  • Accurate measurement of tankers and clear records help to settle bills smoothly.
  • Full visibility of water level data, historical, seasonal data and recoup rates.
  • Recoup rates help to optimize groundwater extraction.
  • Ability to plan operations in advance based on water availability.
  • Pump statistics indicate if the pump is working efficiently and consuming energy accordingly.
  • No risk of a dry run.

Coming Soon

Water Quality Sensors
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