Water Tank Cleaning: How often should you do it?


Water Tank Cleaning: How often should you do it?

“It seemed like a mysterious illness, one by one almost all the residents of tower A started getting sick with stomach upset and diarrhea.”

One of our employees was narrating this suspense story to us on a Monday morning. Over the weekend, a lot of the residents of a particular tower in their housing society had fallen prey to some sort of a stomach infection. While the residents of other towers were perfectly ok.  After much thinking, detective work, and questioning they found the culprit – a dead rat in Tower A’s overhead water tank!

As is the norm in most housing societies, the security guards were instructed to check the tank levels twice a day and turn the pump on accordingly. On that particular night, the security guard left the tank lid open for the overhead tank of Tower A. A rat fell inside and created a health epidemic over the next 2-3 days.

This incident demonstrates how important it is to maintain the cleanliness and security of our water tanks.

Read- Water Management in Housing Societies Part 1

Why should we keep our water tanks clean?

Just as we take care of our water filters – getting them serviced regularly, making sure the lids of the water container and bottles are closed. We must treat our water tanks as an extension of our water system just like our water bottles, water filters, and buckets. 

Waterborne diseases cause up to 3.4 million deaths each year, making it one of the largest causes of disease and death around the world. Unhygienic water conditions are a major problem in rural India. Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, salmonella, etc.

diseases caused by drinking polluted water

The Water Tank cleaning process

While all of us talk about tank cleaning and water quality, very few people have actually opened the lid of a water tank and peered inside.  To get more insight about the tank cleaning process, we spoke to Mr. Ajit Bapat, owner of a tank cleaning service in Mumbai. 

Mr. Bapat has about 20 years of experience in the tank cleaning business and has offered his services to thousands of buildings across Mumbai, including the Sahar International Airport in Andheri and the World Trade Center Building in Colaba.

He has also shared some tips related to the things the society residents or management committee members should watch out for when getting the tanks cleaned.  We have shared them in the next section.

Read- Water Management in Housing Societies Part-2

Step by Step Water Tank Cleaning Process



What to keep in mind when getting your tank cleaned?

Most society residents have full-time day jobs and look into society maintenance matters only when time permits. As a result, tank cleaning is simply outsourced to an external agency or the watchman and at the end of the day, the residents just assume that the tank has been cleaned.

Based on his years of experience, Mr. Bapat has advised the society residents to take care of the following things when getting their water tanks cleaned –


So, here is a recap of all that we’ve covered so far

The above steps can be used to provide a proper guideline for effective cleaning of water tanks in your society.

In the next blog, we will brief ourselves on the right equipment needed for water management, and decide the right system for our society.