Real-World Success Stories
Discover how WaterApp has made a significant impact across various sectors by optimizing water usage
offering innovative solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.How accurate is WaterApp?
The WaterApp sensor has an accuracy of over 95%. For critical operations, we also have some sensor models that can give even better accuracy.
3.How many people in my society/ organization can get access to WaterApp?
As many as you like; access to WaterApp can be configured as per your requirement. We give access based on your instructions.
5.Can my caretaker/ security guard use WaterApp?
Yes. The app uses images to convey information and has been designed to be used by people with zero formal education also.
2.How often does it send data?
It depends on how quickly your water levels are changing. Even if levels haven’t changed, you will get a reading at least once in every half hour. We use complex algorithms to make sure user always has the latest water level data and that the network usage is also optimized.
4.Can it call my caretaker’s phone when the water level becomes critical?
Yes. This feature to send an SMS or a make a phone call for critical alerts will be available soon.
6.Can I switch my pump ON/ OFF from WaterApp?
Yes. This feature to switch pump ON/OFF from WaterApp has been scheduled in our beta version.
7.What kind of alerts can I expect?
WaterApp sends alerts for water levels being low, critical and overflow. Based on user’s preferences, we are also building features to send alerts for events such as corporation water started/ stopped, tanker water started/ stopped, pumping started/ stopped, daily water used, leakage detected etc.